Nature Park Piejūra

Natural Park " Piejūra" consists of three local government areas - Riga, Saulkrasti and Carnikava. Browse dune park amphitheater and parabolic dune that had developed naturally. The park has a special rose dunes and valleys of life. The nature park has a number of restricted areas, such as Lake Ummis .
The park area covers approximately one fifth of the territory of the region which is stretching along the sea for 19 km. More than half of the natural park occupies coastal forests, including the rivers and lakes, as well as the coastline. While always this park has long been interested in the fishing opportunities for others - their abundant land resources. Catherine II have had a significant impact on shifting dunes. To keep the Vidzeme coast as a rare coastal habitats there is made Natural park "Piejūra", that protects the area.
The park items are given different names, arising from the passage of time and conceals a variety of stories, legends and beliefs. In village Kalngale you can see "Three Friends", which is three fused pine trees and located near the train station Kalngale. Turn closer to the coastline, close to the Garciema parabolic dunes is standing the Rose Spit and the best way is to look it in the summer time when the wild roses bloom. Recommend to have local forest guide.
Environmental Protection Agency recorded many rare coastal habitat. Particularly important are the habitats of the embryonic dunes, foredunes, coastal dunes and old boreal forests. Lots of rare plant and animal species. For wxample near lake line Garezeri you can see several rare species of bats.
Nature protection plan for Nature park Piejūra can be seen here.
More information about Nature park Piejūra you can see here.